Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Kokology Test

♥ Heyyaaa guys  ~ 

its me agaain pikapika :))

today im going to tell you about kokology test :)) 
have you ever heard ? 
what is kokology ?
well , kokology its kind like a physic test or quiz or trivia. kind of question, that can show how your character is or shows how the way you think :D and many more actually , but some of them it just for fun :D don't take it too seriously :) 
before you play it , you must see the rule of playing this game :
1. dont you ever look the answer before you really have answer the question
2. dont change your question,
3. follow your heart to answer
4. dont ever estimate what will be the answer if you choose the answer
5. honest 
6. accept whatever the answer will be

please do this rule, for the correct and accurate results

simple kokologi is like this :

question : sort the animals below, as you wanted






example : 1 horse 2 tiger 3.. 4...

after arrange it , look for the answer below 

cow    : career
Tiger   : self esteem
Goat   : love
Horse : family
Pig     : money

this is show you what is the thing that your will be your priority, if you choose horse first then you prioritize family than any other and soo on for the next.. :D 
pretty easy !
you can try this to everyonee ~ 

Want more ? 
Go google it -_-

and actually im already have the book that translated to bahasa from japannese  here's how the book like:

i found it on gramedia and only one that left on the bookself.-. its so popular ..
i kinda love physicology book ~ it just fun to see how we look like ~ 

just type in google " Kokology Test "

i bet you would not read this post if it too long , :3 so i guess its enough for now,
thank you for reading this 

have a nice daay \(^o^)/ ♥


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